Monday, January 9, 2012

New beginnings

Today Wizards of the Coast announced a new iteration of Dungeons & Dragons. There's a plethora of discussion on this announcement online, so I won't bore you with yet another long drawn-out post about how I feel about it. I'll just sum up my thoughts with this - I am very excited & happy about this announcement.

We Dungeons & Dragons fans are a fickle group of gamers. We're often hard to please, set in our ways & resistant to most all forms of change. So for Wizards of the Coast to not only ask us to playtest this next version of the game but to base it off of our feedback on those playtests is a bold & surprising move. It is my hope that this move is a successful one, both for the company and the game, as they're putting their future in our hands in more ways than one.

The development team behind the next iteration was also announced today.  That's one heck of a star-studded designer lineup and I am fully confident that these guys & gal will make sure that the Dragons stay in our Dungeons.

2012 is to be an interesting year for Dungeons & Dragons. For the first time in the history of Dungeons & Dragons, I can say that the future of the game is in the hands of the designers and the players.

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with you here, I can't wait to see what is in store and I'm even more excited to finally be a part of shaping the game that I hold so close to my blackened heart.
